No Evil Inclination

Scripture Reading - Matthew 9:3-4 KJV

3 And, behold, certain of the scribes said within themselves, This man blasphemeth.
4 And Jesus knowing their thoughts said, Wherefore think ye evil in your hearts?

In our last lesson we discussed “No Evil Thinking” stating the source of evil thinking comes directly from the devil. In today’s lesson we will look at the process of introducing evil unto people. It would seem that the nature of the flesh is evil. The flesh is selfish and stubborn and inherently prideful. The word “flesh” is used to describe the physical nature of man. This must be discussed so that people don’t think that Satan is to blame for everything. Yes, Satan is all evil but people upon this earth still have a choice. People can choose to do evil just as easily as they can choose to do good. The only reason so many people choose to follow Satan into “evil thinking” is because their physical nature is “inclined” to do evil. Let us (ihlcc) explain, when two people are talking about a simple subject the second they start to disagree thoughts will arise to discredit the other person. Yes, all people experience “evil thoughts” but the choice is ours if we want to express them or believe them. Since our human nature is biased toward evil people think bad thoughts about most people. For example, when is the last time you heard a person stand-up for someone being bad mouthed. Yes, the second a negative report comes up about an individual many will side in with the evil report. Why? Simply because the “evil inclination” in our fleshly heart assumes the worst. Yes, dear child of God, many people will typically think bad about people because their fleshly nature dominates their thinking. On the contrary those saints who are truly filled with God’s Love think the exact opposite, they choose to think about the good in people instead of the bad. For example, does not the Holy Bible state in Matthew 5:7, “Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.” Many godly people live by this principle so they look to show mercy instead of judgment. We (ihlcc) learned that it is better to be merciful because when you judge others you yourself will be judged. This earthly “inclination to think evil” can be overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the Name of Jesus Christ. The Blood of the Lamb can represent the Awesome Love of God whereas the Name of Jesus represents our ultimate authority in Christ. So we are not excepting the popular excuse that I cannot control my thoughts. No, my faith friend, most people only lack the discipline to get into the Holy Word of God every day with the purpose of heart to walk in God’s Love. Specifically speaking we are saying start your day off with a positive thought about God’s Heart. This daily practice will start shaping your thoughts to think like God. Most Christians would agree that God is ever Merciful and He does not think negative thoughts about people simply because His Heart is always “inclined to Love”. When we can look at all people through merciful eyes we will become more sensitive to God’s Heart and then and only then will we cast down “evil imaginations” to up root all “evil inclinations”. We must purpose to be as our Savior Jesus Christ when it comes to laying down our life so that others may live. We should esteem the Love of God as great value to us so that we can freely love others without having “an evil motive”. We love all people simply because we are loving children of God, period. This is not some new doctrine but rather an eternal way of life. People in the Body of Christ should act like the Head of the Christ so that we (God and us) all move in unison. Thinking, speaking and being the same good (godly) nature of love, when we do that faithfully we continuously close our heart to all “evil inclinations”. Yes, the second an “evil thought” comes into your mind examine it, start inwardly asking the question, “Is this thought in line with God’s Word or God’s Love? If the immediate answer is no, reject that thought swiftly and proceed to continue thinking good thoughts. If the fleshly nature of man thinks you are practicing evil because they are evil, who can blame them does not a heart “inclined to evil” produce evilness. This is why we (ihlcc) focus on mercy because then you will completely understand how to handle the apparent opposition of “evil thoughts (inclinations)” from other people knowing the root is found in the evil one. Remember we don’t wrestle against flesh and blood but rather against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places according to Ephesians 6:12. Therefore be diligent, Oh child of God, to root out the “evil inclinations” of your flesh because you must keep this evil nature underneath the rule of your renewed mind and your godly spiritual nature of Love. This will not happen automatically, nor will it happen by chance but only through faithfully following the Word of God in sincerity of Love. Simply put unless you strive to do this in the grace, power (strength) and the wisdom of God it shall not be done. Why? As we stated before since so many people already have an “evil inclined” flesh they are content to stay selfish and stupid (ignorant) of God’s Ways. Choose you this day to walk in Love. Yes choose the path of abundant life by staying away from all “evil inclinations” because you are “inclined” to be exactly like Christ Jesus, our Champion and Soon Coming King. Amen!